McSolitaire 4.1
The best solitaire card game and most realistic of its kind. No one has reached this level so far. We are first! There will be a lot of solitaire games after us, but we have been and will be pioneers!. Cards graphics are great and the game is easy to play. Among the features you can: - select ............
among beautiful themes - restrain or not the cards selection on a stack - ask McSolitaire if you can go on. - restart the same game. - ask McSolitaire to do the next move for you. - apply unlimited Undo/Redo commands. - set the number of cards flipped from the hidden deck. - tell McSolitaire if you want to be alerted when no more move is possible. - turn sounds on/off - change the animation speed. - see and reset your personal score. - use gesture to perform actions -change the background - change the back image of the cards - warn player if no more moves and more!